Past, Present and Future of Film Audio
From mono to stereo to surround and now spatial, how much do you understand about film audio? What are the various standards and requirements? Join Deity Microphones Regional Manager Chen Jinfu and award-winning veteran sound designer and producer Jeremiah Foo as they explain the past, present and future of film audio.

Chen Jinfu
Regional Marketing Manager of Deity Microphones, Jinfu has been in the Audio Industry for almost 20 years, doing live events, recording and product training, sales and marketing.

Jeremiah Foo
Producer, composer, screenwriter, teacher and media person in general. Shantou Film Industry Association Advisor, TIFAF Advisor, creator of MyBloggercon Awards.

Recording Audio For Short Films
Recording sound for a short film is challenging and even with the best will in the world, not everything will go to plan, especially when we are working at different unique locations with different crew members, filming and lighting equipment and such. Using high end equipment is not always necessary, but some projects might require timecode synchronisation or the lavalier miking of a number of performers, in which case a professional field recorder will be necessary. We will explore what to look out for in audio recording gear, tips and hacks.

Mike Mayuni Omar
Mike is a highly accomplished Music Composer, Arranger, Music Producer, Music Director, Educator and music judge who has participated in many festivals and TV music program. Also a performing musician, he was formerly the keyboard player for legendary band “Tokyo Square”. Mike is also the Sales Manager & Product Specialist for City Music Co Pte Ltd, distributor and retailer for music and audio solutions.