In collaboration with Japan Foundation Kuala Lumpur, Heatseeker Japan turns our gaze to a very specific slice of Japanese student films. In this programme we show two very contrasting films, one trained on traditional storytelling structure and another very reflexive and avoids conventions – showcasing the contemporary duality of Japanese student films.
Curated by Eddy Tan
Thank You for the Blur
鈴木隆恵 Takahiro Suzuki
Akira escapes into a house looks like no one in there. While searching for valuables, the owner, Kazuko, suddenly returns home. While sneaking a peek, Akira is at the mercy of Kazuko’s mysterious appearance, and gradually gets caught up in it.
伊藤杜 Mori Ito
People we often pass by on the street. This is a story of how they treat their “dreams”.