SeaShorts 2017: S-Express Vietnam

Curator: Marcus Manh Cuong Vu

Screening Details:

May 12, 2017   I   2245 – 2330   I  FINDARS Art Gallery


Lê Bảo / Vietnam / 2016 / Vietnamese / 16min

A young black man comes to Vietnam with a dream to be a footballer. Being injured, he joins a group of a elderly man and several ex-prostitutes living in a deserted and dark kiln. Surreal impression.

MAGICAL NIGHT I Đêm huyền diệu

Trần Ngọc Khuyên / Vietnam / 2016 / Vietnamese / 24min

A young man wanders throught the big Ho Chi Minh city in the night on his mo-tobike in late night. He gives an elderly woman a lift. It opens up to be a long and magical night. Classic romance meets modern reality.