Join our #SeaShorts Volunteer Programme!


This coming 11th – 14th May 2017, we are having our very first short film festival #SeaShorts where we will be presenting 100+ short films from 10 Southeast Asian countries. Our main focus for this festival is to involve the filmmaking community and as such, would like to invite you to join the film festival as part of our Volunteer Programme.

Overview of the Volunteer Programme:

SeaShorts Film Festival was created to celebrate Southeast Asian cinema through the short film medium amongst our young Malaysian filmmakers. We do this by inviting our neighbouring film curators and film enthusiasts to our backyard and by asking them to share with us their stories and filmmaking ways in the region. 

Our Volunteer Programme is to encourage as many young film students and fellow filmmakers as possible to be part of this celebration, to facilitate them in getting to know our neighbours better through their stories and filmmaking culture. You can be part of this celebration by volunteering with SeaShorts as a:

a) Venue Volunteer: Provide assistance at our venue registration counters, with crowd control and general enquiries from film festival attendees regarding venues/screenings. With 2 venues in operation, this is where the majority of support is required. We will need you to love film, enjoy working in a team, be a clear communicator and be able to think quickly on your feet.

b) Technical Volunteer: Assist the Technical Manager in ensuring the film screenings run smoothly with minimal technical glitches at specified venue. This position includes (but is not limited to) ensuring the projector and screening equipment run smoothly. We will need you to be punctual, technically well versed with using a laptop, film formats and screening equipment (such as setting up a projector) and count it a bonus on our part if you’re familiar with sound mixing. 

c) Hospitality Volunteer: Our film festival guests include jury members and programmers who are film curators from all over Southeast Asia, corporate sponsors and government agencies, local filmmakers, film academicians and critics. As the main task of the Hospitality Team is to ensure that all film festival guests are well taken-care of, this will include (though not limited to) picking up our guests from the airport, helping our guests with their hotel check-in, ensuring they arrive safely at the venue screenings, helping our guests familiarise themselves with the area around the festival and assisting with general enquiries from our guests and festival attendees. This can be quite a task so we will need you to be courteous, a clear communicator, punctual, a team-player, able to think quickly on your feet and conscientious to our guests’ needs (sometimes even before our guests are aware themselves!). 

d) Festival Photographer: We would like to document SeaShorts as comprehensively as possible and would need all events such as our screenings, panel discussions, evening gatherings/parties photographed. We will need you to know how to use a digital camera well, preferable have your own camera so that you are able to take photographs comfortably, able to capture moments effectively, be able to blend in with the crowd and not stand out.

e) Writer/Instagram-er/Facebook-er/Twitter-er(?): SeaShorts garners support mostly through social media platforms. We do this by sharing news and write-ups about our festival as much as we can through our own page and partners’ pages. You can help us share the SeaShorts love by writing up or sharing photos about the festival through your chosen social media platform. We will need you to love film, be savvy with Online and Social Media, familiar with hashtags, write relatively fluently in your chosen language (Chinese/Eng/Malay/Random-Language-you-decided-to-take-in-university-as-an-elective) and love spreading the word.

How to apply:

1. Read
Read and familiarise yourself with the different Volunteer Roles above. 

2. Apply
Decide on the position you would like to apply for and fill up our Application form (link below). Let us know which position you are interested in through the form.

3. Interview
After we have reviewed your application and find that your interests and our festival’s needs are a good fit, we will then email you to set up an interview. Please note that applying to the SeaShorts Volunteer Programme does not immediately guarantee that you will be accepted as a Volunteer automatically.

4. Training
Once we have confirmed your position as a volunteer, we will then have a training session before the Festival (this will depend on the role that you have applied for).

5. Festival!
Looking forward to working together for SeaShorts and meeting our fellow filmmaking community!

We’re excited about the SeaShorts Volunteer Programme and look forward to meeting you – APPLY NOW! 

Application form: and the deadline for application is 25th April 2017, by 11:59pm.

Let’s #SeaShorts!,
The SeaShorts Team